
5 Tips to Help Your Child Feel Happy

Parents always want the best for their children. They wish their children to grow up healthy, happy, and successful. However, growing up happy in today’s world seems like a tall task. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean your child can’t feel happy. Parents must accommodate their children by helping them get started with their emotional development from an early age.

Parents often rejoice over their child’s first steps and first words-two signs indicative of physical and cognitive development. However, what about their emotional development? Emotions are constantly changing. Hence, it can be challenging to gauge your child’s feelings or progress.

How Parents Can Help Their Child Feel Happy

Here are some tips for parents to help their children feel happy. They include:

Be a Role Model

The first step parents can take to make their children feel happy is to become role models. As humans, we’re all prone to lapses. Sometimes, we become angry and frustrated. However, your children model their behavior after you. If your child sees you as constantly angry and frustrated, they’ll likely start mimicking your behaviors. Research shows optimistic parents are more likely to have optimistic children. Hence, you’ll want to ensure you display positive emotions around your children.

Show Support and Encouragement

Another way to make your child feel happy is by accepting them for who they are. Embrace your child’s uniqueness and individuality. Some parents often try to model their child’s personality after their idealized perception. However, doing so will make your child feel neglected by their true selves. Instead, appreciate them for who they are and support them. Spend time talking to them to learn more about how they think and behave.

In addition, parents should also encourage their children at every turn. Studies show children are happier when they’re active. Consider encouraging your child to try new things. Provide them with motivation and let them know that you believe in their capabilities. It’s also important to let them know you’re proud of them when they achieve something.

Get Social

Children value relationships with their relatives and peers. Therefore, they need time to play with other children their age to build relationships and understand how human dynamics work. Consider setting up play dates for your children with their friends, schoolmates, etc.

It’ll also serve you well to help your child explore the world and learn more about people. Consider taking your child for walks and other activities that you can do together.

Implement Routines

Routines are crucial for children because they provide them with familiarity and comfort. Children feel secure, confident, and learn to manage their time better. In addition, routines also help them understand the importance of being organized. Consider implementing routines and sticking to them.

Acknowledge Feelings

Consider taking some time to sit with your child and discuss their feelings. Ask them about their emotions. Children often don’t know how to describe how they’re feeling. Hence, you’ll want to help them understand their emotions by giving them words to describe them. In addition, talking will help them express their emotions to you. It’s crucial to acknowledge their feelings and help them work through them. For instance, comfort and console your child if they’re feeling sad.

Montessori classroom

Ithaca Montessori: A Leading Montessori Preschool in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development in Nashville. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori school is perfect for 2.5-5-year olds in Nashville. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

Montessori for Early Childhood Homeschool Families

Your child’s formative years are extremely crucial for their development and future. Research shows children’s brains are extremely malleable from birth until six years old and are influenced by their surroundings. Children absorb information from the world around them.

Parents naturally want the best for their children. They want to equip them with the necessary tools to help prepare them for future success. As a result, they often search for the best educational philosophies and the best schools in their district for children. Unfortunately, selecting a preschool for your child isn’t an easy endeavor. Numerous schools exist in every district, but finding the ideal one to cater to your child’s specific developmental needs can be difficult.

Sometimes, parents aren’t satisfied with the schooling options available for various reasons. As a result, they may decide to homeschool their children. Homeschooling has always been an option many parents have undertaken in the past. However, it has become more popular than ever since the pandemic began. According to the United States Census Bureau, homeschooling grew by over five percent during the 2020-2021 school year, an unprecedented rise compared to previous years. Homeschooling exploded in popularity between 1999 and 2012. However, it stagnated after.

Research shows approximately 3.7 million homeschool students exist in the United States, accounting for roughly six to seven percent of school-age children.

Therefore, you’re not alone if you’re thinking of homeschooling your child. However, many parents often want to follow the Montessori education philosophy for their children, and they believe they can’t provide a Montessori education at home. That’s not true.

Homeschooling in Montessori Education for Preschool Children

Parents must understand the tenets of Montessori education to homeschool their children successfully. Montessori education for early childhood revolves around four aspects. These include practical life, sensorial, language, and mathematical development. You can purchase or download learning materials to help your child develop their language and mathematical skills. Mathematical skills in Montessori education center around learning to count to ten. It also includes teaching your child the decimal system, operation functions, and math facts. The best method for developing your child’s language skills is by providing them with interactive materials and books. Sensorial development ties closely with practical life. Children need to become acquainted with their surroundings. You have to create an environment where children can physically and mentally express themselves. It’s also crucial to let your child interact with the great outdoors so they can learn from nature. 

However, things get tricky when it comes to practical life skills and development. Most parents struggle with it. Here’s everything you need to know about practical life development for homeschooled children:

Practical Life

The purpose of practical life development can be broken down into four categories:


Instilling order in your child’s life is crucial for their success. Most Montessori schools will instill order by having daily routines for children to follow. Parents must ensure they establish similar schedules at home for their children. Order is crucial for children because it gives them comfort and familiarity.

Fine-Motor Skills Development

Children need to develop their fine-motor skills and coordination. Hence, many Montessori activities help children develop these skills, like building towers or sewing buttons. The coordination acquired from these activities also transfers to other activities like writing, painting, etc.


Concentration leads to normalization. However, many parents often struggle to get their children to concentrate on their activities or tasks. The Montessori Method identifies the secret ingredient to helping children develop concentrationletting them choose and focus on their preferred activities. Children are unique and have specific interests. It’s crucial to let children discover their interests and passions and let them engage in these activities. Parents must refrain from interrupting or interfering when a child is focused on their preferred task.


Instilling independence and autonomy in children is a hallmark of Montessori education. Montessori education emphasizes these traits because it helps make children more confident and less anxious. As a result, consider using self-correcting materials to help your child become more confident that they can perform tasks themselves without your assistance.

Montessori children

Ithaca Montessori: A Leading Montessori Preschool in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program in Nashville can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


4 Ways Montessori Education Gives Your Child Confidence

Parents want the best for their children. As a result, they bear significant expenses to ensure their children get the best education possible. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average cost of raising a child until they’re 18 is approximately $233,610. Education accounts for a significant portion of it.  

Education helps children prepare for future success. Achieving success requires a combination of numerous factors, including skills, abilities, personality, and character traits. Some character traits, like confidence, are paramount. Self-confident children are more likely to handle new experiences and overcome life’s adversities with resilience. However, the question remains: How do you cultivate confidence in your child?

Montessori education helps prepare children for success in later life by instilling numerous invaluable traits in them. Let’s explore these in detail.

How Montessori Education Boosts Your Child’s Confidence

Here’s how Montessori education boosts your child’s confidence:

Accepting Individuality

One of the simplest ways for children to gain self-confidence is by being themselves, meaning parents and teachers should refrain from placing expectations on them. Montessori classrooms embrace each child’s individuality. They’re accepting of the fact that children have different developmental needs and interests. As a result, Montessori classrooms allow children to explore and discover themselves. They have numerous self-correcting materials to help children find their passions. Since these materials are self-correcting, children don’t require a teacher’s assistance. Instead, they can learn by themselves without any intervention. As a result, children become more independent and autonomous, leading to increased self-confidence.

Improving Decision-Making

The instinct of most adults is to tell children what to do. However, by doing so, you’re depriving children of the chance to practice their decision-making. You’re preventing them from critically thinking and making decisions for themselves. Ideally, you’ll want to help children become more confident by encouraging them to make decisions themselves. Doing so will teach them the process of thinking before acting and instill confidence in their decision-making abilities.

Fortunately, Montessori classrooms follow this principle. They allow children to choose the activities they want to do. Likewise, children can choose the self-correcting materials they want to work with and use.

Developing Social and Emotional Skills

Mixed-age classrooms are a hallmark of Montessori education. Montessori schools will group children based on age groups. For instance, you’ll find children between 2.5 and 5 years old in the same classroom in Montessori schools.  

Mixed-age classrooms are excellent for helping children develop their social and emotional skills. Older children serve as role models for younger children and help them when playing and learning together. Likewise, the younger children learn to model their behavior after their older counterparts.

In addition to mixed-age classrooms, Montessori education also helps children become more familiar with their emotions. Children learn to process and express their emotions, giving them self-confidence.

Learning Practical Skills at a Young Age

Self-mastery is also an important concept in Montessori classrooms. Montessori classrooms help children master skills through repetition. For instance, let’s assume a child wants to learn to sew buttons on a shirt. They’re highly unlikely to nail it on the first try. However, Montessori classrooms encourage children to persevere when facing adversity. As a result, children develop resilience, which helps them become more confident.  

A Montessori student

Ithaca Montessori: A Leading Montessori Preschool in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development in Nashville. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


Normalization in the Montessori Classroom

Curiosity is second nature to children. It’s often said that you should let a child pursue their interests if you want them to learn, and that’s true. Children engage more passionately in things that interest them. Their interest provokes inquisitiveness, prompting them to ask questions and learn new concepts.

Normalization is a concept that Maria Montessori first introduced in the early 1900s. It refers to children internalizing multiple skills via coordination and organization. You’re unlikely to see children internalize multiple skills if you give them tasks to perform. However, take a step back, and you’ll see children master skills that interest them.

It’s crucial to remember that children have different developmental needs. In addition, they progress along their development scale differently. Some children show interest and acquire new skills at an earlier age, while others take longer to obtain those same skills. The variation between these upper and lower limits is often substantial but normal.

The combination of children showing interest in something, understanding how to do it, and going through the motions is the starting point for normalization. Children must engage with real-life objects in their surrounding environments to learn, and that’s where the concept of normalization originates.


How Does Normalization Work?

Here’s how normalization works in the Montessori classroom:

Focused Work

Normalization usually occurs when a child focuses on their work. If a child is interested in their work, they’re more likely to become engaged and, as a result, become self-disciplined. Self-discipline helps kickstart the normalization process. Some children prefer to keep their work organized. Meanwhile, others engage in it without any order. You’ll want to note that as long as your child continues regularly working while enjoying it, they’re progressing through the normalization process.

Learning Opportunities

Montessori classrooms have a diverse and expansive curriculum for children to help them explore their passions. In addition, these classrooms have various self-correcting materials children can use in their pursuit of passion. These self-correcting materials help children learn transferable skills. A child, for instance, wants to improve their handwriting. Doing so requires them to improve their spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. Children can use materials and engage in lessons like knitting or sewing buttons to help them acquire these skills. Since they’re working on hand-eye coordination and strengthening their finger muscles, these skills will also transfer to writing.

Montessori classrooms offer these materials and tools to facilitate children’s development at the right time.

Child-Centric Learning

Montessori classrooms are a children-centric environment. As a result, children develop autonomy and independence. These traits help them normalize by giving them an appreciation for their interests. Children choose tasks for themselves and perform them, with Montessori teachers assisting them when needed. As children begin normalizing, they gain more traits like obedience, self-discipline, attachment to reality, etc.

Developing Inner Potential

Normalization helps children realize and actualize their inner potential. Montessori classrooms have a carefully prepared environment that enables them to engage in their interests, helping them become normalized. The Montessori environment helps children become calm, peaceful, and active.

A child doing a letters activity at Ithaca Montessori

Ithaca Montessori: A Leading Montessori Preschool in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development in Nashville. Our Kids Education Program in Nashville can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


4 Things Montessori Teachers Do Differently

Numerous different educational philosophies exist globally. Heated arguments often occur between scholars and researchers about the best educational philosophies for young children in their formative years. Educational philosophies, like other things in life, also come and go. Numerous educational fads were popular for a short while but eventually faded into obscurity, never to return. However, very few educational philosophies withstand the test of time. 

The Montessori Method has been around for over a century, and it shows no indications of slowing down any time soon. The Montessori Method first came to prominence in 1907, when Dr. Maria Montessori started her preschool in Rome, Italy. Globally today, numerous schools have adopted the Montessori Method. According to the American Montessori Society, over 5,000 Montessori schools exist in the United States alone. The Montessori Method’s burgeoning popularity can be chalked down to several things. However, the primary factor remains that Montessori learning environments significantly differ from traditional ones. Montessori teachers play a vital role in Montessori classrooms, which have a different atmosphere than traditional schooling systems. Let’s explore the things Montessori teachers do differently. 

Things Montessori Teachers Do Differently

Here are some things Montessori teachers do differently. They include the following:

Letting Children Take the Lead

It’s no secret that Montessori classrooms are child centered environments. That’s because Montessori teachers let children take the reins by letting them explore their interests. Many people often don’t understand the amount of faith it takes to let a child take control. After all, an adult’s instinct is to assume control over children. However, Montessori teachers let children explore and discover their interests while observing. Montessori teachers only intervene when a child needs assistance or guidance. As a result, the process helps children develop at a comfortable pace.


Montessori classrooms have a different focus and emphasis than traditional classrooms. Unlike traditional classrooms, Montessori classrooms feature children as the focal point. The goal for Montessori classrooms is to have a wide range of self-correcting learning materials available for children to play with and use. Children gravitate towards learning materials that interest them. As a result, the Montessori classroom caters to each child’s individual developmental needs. Since the materials are self-correcting, children don’t require supervision. Simply put, Montessori teachers focus on facilitating children to find their developmental path instead of forging one for them.


People often mistakenly believe that Montessori teachers don’t play an active part in a child’s education. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Contrarily, Montessori teachers help guide children to learn more about themselves. They help children discover their developmental needs and passions. Then, they facilitate them by individually catering to these needs.


Pause momentarily, and think about a classroom. You’re likely picturing a teacher standing in front of a whiteboard while the students sit and pay attention to them. After all, that’s how most traditional classrooms operate. However, Montessori classrooms are very different because teachers have a different role. Montessori classrooms focus on hands-on learning through discovery and experimentation. As a result, you’re unlikely to see teachers giving lectures to their students. Instead, Montessori teachers carefully observe children as they engage in their preferred activities. They walk around the room, ready to lend assistance to any child who requires it.

A Montessori teacher assisting a child

Enroll Your Child in Ithaca Montessori

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


5 Things Your Child Needs to Thrive

Parents naturally want their children to thrive and excel in life. They aim to ensure their children are mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared to succeed in life, fulfilling their dreams. However, helping your child thrive is easier said than done. That’s because parents need to understand where their children lie in their developmental cycle. In addition, they need to know about their corresponding needs and how parents can help address those needs. That’s where most parents come undone.

Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that children follow specific human tendencies when they’re developing. After all, children are hardwired to use socially acceptable behaviors to have their needs fulfilled.

If parents understand these human tendencies that children exhibit, they can help address them. Doing so enables their children to thrive.

What Your Child Needs to Thrive

Here are the things your child needs to thrive:


Children are naturally inquisitive. They have an innate need to know more about their surroundings. As a result, you’ll often see toddlers crawling around, trying to explore new spaces. However, while children like to explore new places, they also require clear guidelines about where they can go and how to return. Parents must help their children develop their orientation skills. Doing so helps your child navigate life physically and socially.


Order plays a crucial role in children’s lives. Ideally, you’ll want to help your child develop order because it instills self-discipline. In addition, and more importantly, having order also provides children with security through comfort and familiarity. Children like the feeling of familiarity and stability because it makes them feel safe. Consider developing order in your child’s life through structured activities and daily routines.

At Ithaca Montessori, we have daily routines for children to follow. In addition, we also have sequential activities structured with a beginning, middle, and end.


Exploration is crucial for children because it helps them learn more about themselves. Ideally, you’ll want to give your children the freedom to explore and find their interests. Children use their taste, smell, sight, and hearing to learn more about the world around them. Consider helping your child explore by giving them a sensory-rich environment.

At Ithaca Montessori, we encourage exploration and discovery. We’ve devised our curriculum to promote hands-on learning through exploration. In addition, we have various self-correcting materials children can use to find their interests.


Maria Montessori stated that children like activities to learn and coordinate movement. Children need to move to develop their fine motor skills and experience neuromuscular expansion. However, your child can’t master their movement skills if they’re stationary. That’s why parents must create activities and provide tools to help children meet their developmental needs. Consider taking your child to the playground regularly to play. In addition, you might also want to help them refine their fine motor skills by playing a sport.

At Ithaca Montessori, we have movement classes for children. In addition, we also have yoga and Pilates classes to help children become more attuned to their bodies.

Children practicing their movement skills

Repetition and Self-Mastery

Children require repetition and self-mastery. Children are highly unlikely to learn a skill when performing it for the first time. However, repetition leads to success, culminating in self-mastery. If your child is repetitively performing a task, you’ll notice they’ll be hyper-focused. Refrain from interrupting them and let them do their thing. Repetition also helps teach children resilience when facing adversity. In addition, it improves their concentration abilities.

Ithaca Montessori: the Ideal Montessori Preschool for Children in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

4 Ways to Benefit from Montessori’s Wisdom This Summer

The summer season rolls in, bringing the heat with it. It’s the perfect time to step out of your home and marvel at nature’s bountiful blessings. However, parents often have numerous things on their minds. For instance, they now have to handle their children’s education during the summer break. Ideally, you don’t want the fruits of your child’s Montessori education program to decay during the summer break. However, what can you do?

Well, the good thing about the Montessori Method is that it’s just as applicable at home as in a classroom. We’ve prepared this blog post to help you continue your child’s education during the summer season.

Ways Parents Can Benefit from Montessori’s Wisdom This Summer Season

Here are some ways parents can benefit from Montessori’s wisdom this summer season:

Follow the Child

Montessori classrooms are child centered environments. That means they let children explore their passions and interests through discovery and experimentation. That’s something you’ll want to allow at home. Children need to find their true selves, and the only way to do that is through experimenting and trying new interests. Many parents often try to push their children toward specific activities or interests. However, that’s not the right approach. Instead, let your children do what interests them the most. Ensure that you observe and note their interests. Moreover, don’t interrupt them when they’re doing their thing.

Let the Environment Be the Teacher

It’s no secret that development occurs through activity. That’s why you’ll see Montessori classrooms take time to cultivate a conducive learning environment for students by incorporating various learning materials. One sign of a well-prepared and conducive learning environment is self-correcting materials. Montessori schools emphasize autonomy and independence. That means children need to perform tasks without supervision. Self-correcting materials in the learning environment enable children to explore their interests while knowing when they’re on the right track.

Explore Nature

Summers are the ideal time to explore the great outdoors. It shouldn’t surprise you that children learn from their environment. Therefore, you’ll want to consider taking your child outside daily if possible. Interacting with the environment enables children to develop their senses like taste, smell, hearing, etc. In addition, it also improves their orientation abilities and lets them attune their fine motor skills. It’s also a good idea to ask your child to describe their surroundings to you. It’ll help develop their communication and descriptive skills.


Celebrated author George R.R. Martin once stated, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only once.”

Reading is an excellent activity for children and adults alike because it stimulates your imagination. More importantly, it awakens interest in different activities and facets of life, enabling you to become more creative. In addition, studies also show children who grow up reading are more academically successful. It’s a good idea to create daily activities where you read with your child. In addition, you might also want to consider reading daily yourself. If your child sees you reading, they’re more likely to view it as a fun activity.

A child playing outdoors

Enroll Your Child in Ithaca Montessori

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


The Power of Positive Language

Parents want their children to be happy and successful in life. However, to become successful, you need to have a positive mindset. The language you use can significantly impact your thoughts and decisions. Ideally, we would all like to adopt a growth mindset, focusing on improving daily. However, this is easier said than done.

Pause momentarily and think about how you communicate with your child at home. Let’s assume your child takes cookies from the cookie jar even though they’ve exceeded their daily allowance. How do you respond to them? You’re probably using language like, “Don’t do that.” Or perhaps you’re telling them to “Stop it.”

Now, think about how much success your method is having. Has your approach stopped your child’s undesired behaviors? The answer is likely no. That’s because children often struggle to understand negative language. They often misconstrue sentences, missing out on words like don’t or stop.

So, how do you remedy the situation? We’ve prepared some tips to help you use positive language at home with your children. You can witness the results yourself.

How to Use Positive Language at Home

Here are some ways that parents can use positive language with their children at home:

Change Your Tone and Approach

The first thing you’ll want to do is consider changing your tone and approach. For instance, consider getting to the same level and making eye contact with your child when giving them directions or instructions. Communicate with them clearly and calmly. Refrain from showing frustration or anger.

Replace Don’t with Do

As stated above, children often misconstrue negatives. Hence, it’s crucial to replace don’t with do in your vocabulary. Instead of telling your child what not to do, tell them what they can do. Let’s assume your child starts coloring on your kitchen cabinets. Refrain from telling them to stop coloring the kitchen cabinets. Instead, tell them to color in a coloring book.

Use “First-Then” Language

Using “first-then” language with your children can have great results. For instance, let’s assume your child wants a sweet treat. However, they’ve not had a shower yet. Consider telling them to shower first. Then they can get a sweet treat.

Offer Children Choices

Offering children choices is an excellent way to make them feel in control. Children are more likely to comply when they feel they’re the ones making a decision. Hence, try giving your child two choices. They’ll eventually choose one.

Give Your Child Time

Your child might not respond to your request or instructions immediately. However, there’s no reason to lose your cool over it. Most children take three seconds to process words. Therefore, you’ll want to give them some time to think about what you’ve just said. If they still don’t respond to your instructions or request, repeat yourself calmly.

Montessori children

The Montessori Method helps children manage their emotions by fostering order and self-discipline in their lives. Ithaca Montessori embodies the Montessori Method to the fullest. Ithaca Montessori fosters order within children by having them follow daily routines. Adhering to a daily routine gives children comfort and familiarity, helping them monitor and manage their emotions.

Ithaca Montessori: The Ideal Montessori Preschool for Children in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

4 Ways to Raise Confident Children

Confidence is key. No matter what you do in life, you’ve got to possess self-esteem and self-confidence. It’s a trait that most successful people share because confidence breeds success. However, more importantly, confident people are more likely to be happier. Studies show a high correlation between happiness, self-confidence, and self-esteem, and rightly so. That’s because confident people embrace their individuality and uniqueness and as a result, are comfortable in their own skin.

Ideally, parents want to raise confident children, instilling self-esteem and self-worth from the beginning. After all, self-confidence is a crucial ingredient for a fulfilling life. The Montessori Method acknowledges the importance of a child’s self-esteem and its relation to their academic, social, and emotional abilities. After all, the Montessori Method embraces individuality and understands that every child is unique. You’ll find that most Montessori schools have activities and lessons designed to foster independence and autonomy in children. Once children gain independence and autonomy, they become more self-confident in their abilities.

Ways to Raise Confident Children

Here are some ways parents can raise confident children:

Embrace Differences

Every child is unique, and that’s something you’ve got to embrace. Your child’s differences might seem foreign to you. However, you must embrace them as a parent and accept your child for who they are. Sometimes, it can become necessary for parents to push their ideal preferences aside to accept their child’s individuality. You have to let your child pursue their true interests and support them. Doing so will help them develop their sense of self.

Encourage Decision-Making

As children grow older, they’ll naturally have to make decisions for themselves. You can’t expect to hold their hand every step of the way, nor is it healthy for you to do so. As a result, you have to encourage decision-making from an early age. Doing so will help your child develop the decision-making skills to make choices sensibly. Parents can help their children develop decision-making skills in numerous ways. For example, you could give your child the option to choose between two activities. Once they make their decision, consider asking them their reasoning. Doing so will help develop their critical thinking skills as well.

Demonstrate Kindness

Demonstrating kindness is something you have to teach your children. According to a Harvard report, parents who don’t teach children the importance of caring for others deprive them of fundamental relationship skills. As a result, their children’s relationships are affected, subsequently impacting their well-being. Teaching your children empathy and compassion is necessary. After all, one of the best ways to feel good is by doing good.  

Acknowledge Emotions

Another vital thing parents must do is acknowledge their child’s emotions. Children often don’t understand how to name or properly manage their emotions. Their emotions might seem trivial to you, but they’re just as valid. Instead of judging your child’s emotions, help them understand their feelings. Talking to them about their feelings will help them better understand their emotions. Then, you can help your child learn how to process them in a healthy way. Children who know how to process their emotions develop higher self-esteem and as a result, have more self-acceptance and self-confidence than others.

A Montessori child

Enroll Your Child in Ithaca Montessori

The Montessori Method helps children manage their emotions by fostering order and self-discipline in their lives. Ithaca Montessori embodies the Montessori Method to the fullest. Ithaca Montessori fosters order within children by having them follow daily routines. Adhering to a daily routine gives children comfort and familiarity, helping them monitor and manage their emotions.

Ithaca Montessori: The Ideal Montessori Preschool for Children in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

Why Montessori Education Has Stood the Test of Time

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a school district without a Montessori school. Given that the Montessori Method originated in Italy over a century ago, it might somewhat surprise you. Dr. Maria Montessori devised the Montessori Method in the early 1900s. Since then, Montessori preschools and schools have popped up globally.

Despite not being a new educational philosophy, the number of Montessori schools continues to grow exponentially. Research shows over 5,000 Montessori schools exist in the US alone. Preschools continue applying the Montessori Method, and parents wish to send their children to a Montessori preschool. As a result, it raises the question: Why has Montessori education withstood the test of time?

For starters, numerous studies show that the Montessori Method is particularly beneficial for students, giving them a significant advantage in academic and social development. You’ll be interested to learn that some of the world’s most eminent thinkers today, like Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Jimmy Wales, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Will Wright, all went to Montessori schools.

However, that still doesn’t address the things the Montessori Method does well that contribute to its sustained and ever-increasing growth.

Why Montessori Education Has Stood the Test of Time

Here’s a deeper insight into why Montessori education has withstood the test of time:

Focuses on Children’s Individual Developmental Needs

One of the primary reasons behind the Montessori Method’s success is that it refrains from adopting the one-size-fits-all approach. The Montessori Method embraces each child’s uniqueness and individuality. It understands that children have varying individual development needs because they develop at different rates. For instance, one child might display excellent fine-motor control skills when they’re three, while another child might not showcase the same abilities until they’re four or five. Dr. Maria Montessori cracked the code over a hundred years ago when she recognized that children’s development differs, and that’s precisely where the Montessori Method shines. It enables children to continue learning at their own pace through self-correcting materials. As a result, the Montessori Method promotes an experimental and discovery-based hands-on learning system. More importantly, Montessori lessons cater to where each child is academically at the moment. Children learn concepts as they become interested in them.

Instills Values in Children

Montessori classrooms are also excellent because they foster values in children that contribute to their social development. Montessori schools foster independence and autonomy within children by letting them choose the materials they want to play with and work with instead of forcing them to follow the teacher’s instructions. Likewise, Montessori schools also help children learn self-discipline and order. They achieve this by devising daily routines for children to follow. Adhering to these routines brings order to children’s lives because they have a specific and predictable routine. Sticking to this routine also helps children regulate their emotions because it provides them comfort and familiarity.

In addition, Montessori classrooms also promote discovery and exploration. Children are free to choose the self-correcting materials they want. Since the classrooms are child-centric, the child’s interests dictate their learning.

Montessori classroom

Get Started with Ithaca Montessori  

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Ithaca Montessori embodies the Montessori Method to the fullest. Hence, it might be an excellent pick for you if you’re looking for a Montessori preschool for your child. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


The Power of Hands-On Learning

Dr. Maria Montessori, the woman responsible for devising the Montessori Method, once stated that the brain remembers what the hand does. It’s an apt description that ties in perfectly with her educational philosophy.

Since its inception, the Montessori Method has highly advocated experimental and discovery-based learning. As a result, Montessori schools globally have devised lessons to facilitate hands-on learning for students.

Most early educational approaches subscribed to a one-size-fits-all educational philosophy. However, that changed when Dr. Maria Montessori introduced the Montessori Method. Unlike other traditional educational systems, this method emphasizes each child’s uniqueness and individuality. It reinforces that children don’t have the same interests or developmental needs. For instance, a three-year-old may be interested in learning a specific concept, while another child might not show interest in the same topic until they’re a year or two older.

Resultantly, Montessori schools have devised systems to accommodate these children’s different developmental needs by letting them explore and discover their interests through hands-on learning.

The Scientific Research Backing Hands-On Learning

Multiple scientific studies show the power of hands-on learning. According to Goodwin College research, students grasp concepts quicker and more comprehensively when actively engaged in learning. Likewise, another published study corroborates these findings by showing that students can learn basic mathematical concepts more effectively through hands-on or activity-oriented learning.

Active Education

Active education is particularly important for children. When you think of traditional classroom settings, what do you envision? You’ll likely picture an instructor demonstrating concepts on a blackboard while students try to pay attention.

Montessori classrooms deviate from such norms because they’re not conducive to hands-on learning. You’ll find most Montessori classrooms have flexible seating and table groups. Children can choose where to sit and collaborate with their peers in groups. Additionally, many Montessori schools focus on having self-correcting materials visible for children to learn and play with at any given time.

These materials are designed to promote experimental and discovery learning. Students can pick these materials if they pique their interests and use them accordingly. Since they’re self-correcting, constant teacher supervision isn’t required.

How Hands-On Learning Works for Children

Hands-on learning works, as the name implies. Children start by using their hands to facilitate their understanding of concepts. Think about it this way: What’s the most effective method for teaching children math, language, history, etc.? Montessori classrooms use the abacus to teach children simple mathematical concepts like addition and subtraction. Likewise, they often include toys for children to learn more about animals and objects. Using hands contributes to the learning process, aiding retention and understanding among children.

That’s not all. If you were to observe a Montessori classroom closely, you’d notice hands-on learning is omnipresent. For instance, children learn the importance of preserving and cleaning their surrounding environment when clearing their workstations while simultaneously exercising their hands to make gestures and motions similar to those used in other activities such as drawing. Similarly, playing with puzzles helps children understand movement precision while learning about the differences in object sizes.

As a result, hands-on learning also has an intangible benefit that many people overlook. Hands-on learning can teach children about multiple objectives and things simultaneously.

A child playing with animal toys

Ithaca Montessori: Your Ideal Montessori Preschool in Nashville, TN

Do you want to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life and is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

How to Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions

Managing emotions can be challenging for most adults, let alone children. Children are born with the ability to feel all kinds of emotions. However, they don’t know how to identify, name, and manage these emotions in their early years. That’s where it becomes crucial for parents and teachers to help children recognize and understand their emotions. By doing so, children and parents can help them process their emotions and manage them better.

How to Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions

Here’s how you can help your child manage their emotions. Some tips include:

Talk About Emotions

Talking to your child about emotions is crucial because it helps them recognize and understand how they feel. If you see your child experiencing a specific emotion, try to name it for them. For instance, they might see a cat and smile and want to play with it. Naturally, it’s apparent that your child is feeling happy. Likewise, your child might become angry if another child takes their toy. You want to ensure that you help your child name this emotion. Doing so will help them recognize how they’re feeling. That’s the first step to helping your child manage their emotions, because if your child doesn’t know how they feel, they’ll struggle to control their feelings.

In addition to naming emotions, it’s also crucial to normalize their experience of that emotion. You want your child to know that it’s normal to feel angry, sad, happy, or any other emotion. Once you help them understand this, you can teach them to manage and control their emotions.

Share Experiences with Them

Adults also have emotions, just like children. The only difference is that most adults know how to recognize and process their emotions better than children. Sharing your emotions and experiences can help them learn how their actions affect other people’s emotions. For instance, your child might be taking too long to put on their shoes when getting ready for school. You’ll want to calm down first. Then, calmly explain to them how their actions are affecting your emotions. Doing so also normalizes experiencing emotions for your child.

Connect Misbehavior to Feelings

Connecting misbehavior to feelings is also an excellent way to help children understand negative emotions. For instance, your child might be playing with their friends at school. However, your child’s friends might have to leave because their parents have come to pick them up. Your children might become frustrated and storm off. In such a situation, approach your child and connect their feelings to their misbehavior. Explain to them that they might have become sad to see their friend go, and as a result, they stormed off. Doing so will help them process their emotions and react differently in the future.

A child smiling

Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions by Enrolling Them in Ithaca Montessori

The Montessori Method helps children manage their emotions by fostering order and self-discipline in their lives. Ithaca Montessori embodies the Montessori Method to the fullest. Ithaca Montessori fosters order within children by having them follow daily routines. Adhering to a daily routine gives children comfort and familiarity, helping them monitor and manage their emotions.

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


4 Key Characteristics of a Montessori Preschool

The early years of your child’s life play a crucial role in their development. Research shows 700 new neural connections form every second during the first few years of a child’s life. As a result, children are more malleable to learning from their environment.

The Harvard Center on Developing Children refers to this period as early plasticity. They state that your child will respond to external stimuli around them. That means your child will learn from the environment by observing and reacting.

Once children cross the five-year mark, the brain begins to lose plasticity. Your child becomes set in their ways, meaning influencing them becomes harder for parents.

Hence, if you want to set your child up for maximum success later in life, you have to ensure you utilize their early childhood years to the fullest. Naturally, this makes selecting your child’s preschool one of the most important decisions of their life. The preschool you choose will help shape your child during their formative years.

Many parents often choose Montessori preschools for their children. Montessori education emphasizes self-learning, independence, and positive discipline. These fundamental principles of Montessori education make it a popular choice for parents.

Statistics show more than 5,000 Montessori preschools exist in the United States. If you’re selecting a Montessori preschool for your child, you’ll want to choose one that is right for you and your family. Therefore, you’ll want to ensure the school you choose embodies the key characteristics of a Montessori preschool.

Key Characteristics of a Montessori Preschool

Here are the key characteristics of a Montessori preschool:

Mixed-age Classrooms

Mixed-age classrooms are the hallmark of any Montessori preschool. Montessori preschools often place children between 2.5 and 5 years old together. Doing so creates an excellent learning atmosphere because the older children can serve as role models for their younger counterparts, learning leadership skills and empathy. Meanwhile, the younger children emulate their older peers, learning to carry themselves and engage with their classmates.

Self-learning Environment

Montessori preschools differ from traditional schools because they promote self-learning. Montessori preschools focus on individuality. They believe every child is different and learns at their own pace. Hence, you’ll find the curriculum in Montessori preschools are child-led instead of teacher-led.

Montessori schools create a conducive learning environment by giving children learning materials. These materials are self-correcting, meaning children can use them independently without the teacher’s help. In addition, these materials help children learn in a hands-on manner by using their direct experiences. Children use their senses of feel, touch, smell, taste, etc. Doing so helps them create vivid images and learn through visualization.

A Curriculum That Emphasizes Independence

At Ithaca Montessori, we place learning materials on our shelves for children to explore themselves whenever they feel comfortable. Children have different learning paces. For instance, one child’s interest in language development might occur when they’re three years old. On the other hand, another child might not show interest in the same topic until their fourth birthday. We, like other Montessori schools, don’t believe there’s a set time for teaching children these skills. Instead, we assess every child’s readiness to learn new material and work accordingly.

Music and Movement Education

At Montessori schools, children are free to move about the classroom as they please. They can pick and choose the learning materials they want. At Ithaca Montessori, we focus on movement and music education. For instance, we’ll teach children yoga and dance to help them be more in sync with their bodies. In addition, we also focus on mindfulness lessons like breathing exercises, centering, etc.

Furthermore, we believe music is an excellent way to support your child’s cognitive development. Research shows music education leads to children attaining higher scores in math and language tests. In addition, music education can also increase your child’s IQ level by nearly 20 percent. Some MIT researchers argue that music sensitivity might help your child’s cognitive development more than speech perception. Our music teacher, John Jackson, was also Bob Dylan’s guitarist. As a result, you can count on him to impart a wealth of musical knowledge to your child.

Amicable Atmosphere

Montessori preschools focus on creating an atmosphere where children have mutual respect for their peers and teachers. Montessori preschools teach children that their peers and teachers are part of a community that is focused on helping them grow and learn. The teachers are facilitators promoting their growth, while their peers are partners that help explore learning opportunities around them.

Mixed-age classroom

Ithaca Montessori: A Montessori preSchool in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.

5 Benefits of a Montessori Preschool

Your child’s formative years are crucial for their development. Research shows that the early childhood years have a long-term impact on learning. That is because most developmental changes within the brain happen before a child turns five. Hence, you want to ensure that your child learns the best habits and principles during this period. 

As parents become more aware of the importance of early childhood education, they look to place their children in the best preschools possible. Montessori preschools have emerged as an appealing option for most parents.

Maria Montessori devised the concept of Montessori education in 1906. Today, more than a hundred years later, Montessori preschools are thriving. Statistics show more than 5,000 Montessori preschools exist across the United States. If you’re a parent evaluating Montessori preschools against traditional schools, you can’t go wrong with the former. Let’s explore why in this blog post.

Benefits of a Montessori Preschool

Here are some of the benefits of Montessori preschools:

Focus on Key Developmental Stages

Every child is different and therefore, has a unique learning pace. Montessori schools respect children’s uniqueness and, as a result, enable them to learn at a comfortable pace for them. Unlike other preschools, Montessori classrooms are child-centered. They’re designed to accommodate children’s learnings needs in a conducive manner. Hence, you’ll find Montessori schools have individualized curricula based on discovery learning. Your child will receive self-correcting materials, enabling them to learn by themselves. Moreover, as a child explores their materials, they’ll learn from direct experiences through their senses.

Cooperative Play

Montessori preschools will help your child learn about the importance of cooperative play. Mixed-age classrooms are one of the hallmarks of Montessori preschools. Typically, Montessori schools divide children by age brackets. You’ll often see Montessori schools group children between 2.5 and 6 years old in one classroom. These classrooms cultivate a unique learning experience. The older children serve as role models for their younger counterparts, who model their behaviors on them. Emulating their senior peers helps younger children learn about socially acceptable actions. Likewise, older children develop responsibility by helping younger children.  

In addition, Montessori preschools ensure that teachers don’t run the classroom. Instead, children select the activities they want to perform. Doing so encourages children to work together to try new activities selected by other students. Hence, children build a sense of community and develop mutual respect by working together.

Teach Children Self-Discipline

Self-discipline goes hand in hand with independence. Children need to have the independence to learn self-discipline. For instance, let’s assume a child enjoys drawing. They can repeatedly use drawing materials to enhance their skills. Repetition leads children to mastery. However, it also helps them learn discipline and persistence. Furthermore, Montessori schools also help children develop self-discipline by enforcing order in their lives. Children need a consistent daily routine that gives them comfort. After all, a comfortable learning environment can help your child thrive.

Child-Centered Learning

Montessori preschools are child-led and not teacher-led. Child-centered learning enables students to learn at a comfortable pace. Simply put, children can explore the classroom to their hearts’ content. They can play with different learning materials, choosing them at their whim. These materials promote hands-on learning to help children learn by having fun.

Learning Promotes Creativity

Since the Montessori curriculum allows children to select their activities, it also promotes creativity. Children work on tasks because they interest them instead of because the curriculum forces them. As a result, children revel in the process and enjoy themselves, leading to more creative results.

Children playing in Montessori

The Perfect Preschool for Your Child in Nashville, TN

Are you looking to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN? Ithaca Montessori is a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Alternatively, contact us today to learn more.


What is a Mixed-Age Classroom, and How Does It Benefit Your Child?

In any classroom, you'll usually find children of the same age. Children learn the same material at a time, while the curriculum is created depending on an average student’s pace of learning. That's because children often feel left behind when they struggle with a concept.

On the other hand, mixed-age classrooms comprise a range of children's ages in one classroom. Usually, their ages vary by two or three years. Dr. Montessori is known to have initiated mixed classrooms. She observed that communication between children of different ages benefits the classroom in various ways. Here's how.


Introducing Leadership

In a mixed-classroom setting, older children tend to lead and support younger children. This helps children who may hesitate to accept a leadership role among their peers.

Since older children usually feel more secure and confident, they're inclined to teach, share, explain, and help while developing critical social skills that help them prepare better for kindergarten.   

Improved Academic Results

Research says that there are many things a five-year-old can learn better than a three-year-old. So multi-age classrooms provide children with the opportunity to learn from each other.

Younger children focus more on learning from advanced students. Older children can also benefit from re-teaching, enhancing the concepts they previously learned.

Another academic advantage is that mixed-age classrooms allow children to learn at their own level and at a comfortable pace. For instance, a younger child can explore geometric solids, while an older child is more likely to name them or match them to cards.

Improved Social Skills     

Younger students generally observe older students negotiating over using different materials by taking turns. As the six-year-olds agree after a calm discussion, this can be a beneficial teaching moment for the younger child. Such situations can help them understand social skills like waiting and using polite words.

Students in a mix-age classroom

Ithaca Montessori: A Montessori School in Nashville, TN

If you're planning to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN, Ithaca Montessori is the best suited Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori offers an ideal learning environment in multi-age classrooms for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information. Click here to contact us.

Why Montessori is Crucial for Early Childhood Development

Your child’s formative years are particularly crucial for their future. From birth to age six, children’s brains are malleable. That means you can shape them positively or negatively, depending on their surroundings and experiences. Montessori education focuses on ensuring children receive the best education to prepare them for the future.

Montessori students tend to be keener, more confident, and self-directed learners, given the independence to make deeper connections. They're provided with an environment where they can work collaboratively, act boldly, and think critically.

Here's how Montessori significantly contributes to early childhood development.


Why Early Childhood Development Matters

Early childhood development establishes the foundation for lifetime learning, behavior, and health. Early childhood experiences shape the brain and improve the child's capacity to learn, interact with others, and respond to day-to-day challenges.    

Importance of Montessori for Early Childhood Development

Montessori education has numerous benefits for early childhood development. Research shows children’s brains are malleable from birth to six years old. A child’s brain is like a sponge at this stage, soaking up information from their surroundings and experiences. Therefore, you can significantly influence your child’s brain by controlling their surroundings and shaping their experiences. Montessori education subscribes to this concept and focuses on shaping children’s brains.


Valuing Each Child

Early childhood development ensures every child is a unique individual. Since children learn in different ways, Montessori education accommodates all learning styles. Students can learn at their own pace with the teacher's guidance.

Fostering Concentration and Independence

The Montessori method gives the child the ability to make independent choices using gentle guidance. It allows them to learn through play, discover the world, and teach themselves. Moreover, Montessori eliminates traditional lessons, incorporating an empowering and flexible learning environment.

Creating a Caring Community

The multi-age classroom setting, typically comprising three to six-year-olds creates a community.

Students Become Active Seekers of Knowledge

In a Montessori setting, teachers create an environment where students have the tools and freedom to work. As a result, internal satisfaction stimulates the child's curiosity, which promotes joyful learning.   

Collaborative working environment in a classroom

The Perfect Preschool for Your Child in Nashville, Tennessee

If you plan to enroll your child in a preschool in Nashville, TN, Ithaca Montessori is the best option. We're a Montessori school that focuses on early childhood development. Our Kids Education Program can prepare your child for success later in life. Our Montessori is perfect for 2.5-5-year-olds. Visit our website for more information, or click here to contact us.